In November last year, I shared with you that I’ve been going through a real ordeal because of the herniated disc that had caused me a lot of pain, half a year of sleepless nights, constant exhaustion, countless inconveniences and a lot of painkillers. I also wrote to you about the limitations it has brought on my ministry and have called that my “involuntary sabbatical”. I am glad to say that my “involuntary sabbatical” is over. I am healed.
And although there’s been some improvement to my condition, the main thing- being able to sleep through the night - seemed unattainable. My night’s sleep continued to be interrupted by pain, with me being able to sleep 3-4 hours max in a single piece.
Some of you may remember that in the beginning of March, in order to solve this problem, I was getting ready to have back surgery. It got postponed only by an act of God, as I’d suddenly had gotten fever and high CRP and was found “not eligible” for operative treatment. The decision on postponing was made at the very last moment, while I was in the gown walking towards the operation room. Later I found out that many of those who’ve been praying for me felt unease and had nightmares related to the outcome of the surgery.
However, in the lack of other options, the surgery was rescheduled for mid-April. I was supposed to get back to them upon my return from the USA. And then it all changed. While I was in the US, I noticed that my sleep was getting longer and longer, while pain was getting less and less. By the time my trip was coming to an end, I was able to sleep 5-6 hours straight. Upon returning home, I started sleeping like a baby again. I was healed!
Clearly, God had His reasons for allowing it to happen and had His timing for fixing it. There are already a lot of things that come to my mind of everything I’ve learned over the course of the last 13 months, which is when the problem initially started (more about that some other time). Perhaps the most obvious one is that I wasn’t even aware of how much physical hardships I can endure, as well as becoming content to live in the moment, conquering day by day, taking joy in even the smallest improvement. I’d learned to listen to my body, and was feeling humbled by having to make peace with making small momentary gains with long and hard efforts. Through this, He reminded me of the uselessness of my plans and of the great benefit of not allowing my anxieties and predictions to dictate my actions. We (should) live by faith only.
For the last week since I’ve returned, my body is catching up with sleep and rest, making me want to stay in bed for some extra time. Thankfully, I can blame it on jet lag, at least for a few more days

Please pray for my full recovery, for alleviation of a few more remaining symptoms, for my discipline in eating and exercising and for God to install in me a pressing desire for a healthier lifestyle. Please pray that it becomes a long term commitment that will keep me away from similar situations and conditions. Pray that in all of it, I can find ways to have Him exalted and glorified.
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