Originally posted on our ministry Facebook group's wall on November 28, 2022


I want to share something else with you, just so that you do not think all is gloomy on our end. 

Two months ago, two missionary friends and I have started a new Christian gathering in town with the intention that it grows to a full scale church. This undertake has come to life after a long period of planning, praying and many conversations and meetings. During this time we were seeking His will and walked carefully, step by step, month by month, until we were ready to make the “move” and announce that there is a new church in town. 

Besides the common desire to look for new ways to serve Christ and see His Kingdom expand in Montenegro, each one of us had an unique motivation for investing into this undertake. Personally, I became so hungry for Christian fellowship with my peers. After spending so many years on my own, I wanted to become a part of a larger church body that I will be accountable to. Also, with the Roma ministry being so taxing and costly in so many ways, I felt the need to gather around myself a larger, local support network, potentially creating a bigger pool of people to help serve in Konik and church planting efforts in the north of Montenegro. The long years loneliness started taking a toll on me, and I realized it was the time for change. 

Some of you may be surprised by reading these lines. This new church in making is very different from the type of church we have in Konik. But, this is exactly why it feels so refreshing and uplifting, a breeze of fresh air and “new blood” that gives me strength to return to my primarily ministry - bringing the Gospel to the Roma and Ashkali/Egyptians in Montenegro. 

And it is true that this new church, and ministry around it, is very different from the one I’ve been involved in until now. For example, the target groups we aim at are from rather opposite side of societal spectrum, such as expat Christians (internationals) and the local university students, young professionals and young families. Overall, we are looking for a new, fresh expression of Church, a faithful representation of Christ, as well as for new ways to BE His presence within the larger Podgorica and Montenegro communities. 

Please keep us in your prayers as we walk towards meeting these goals prayerfully and intentionally. Pray that God allows us mercy to be His tool in reaching souls for Christ and for building His Kingdom in Montenegro.


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