Originally posted on our ministry Facebook group's wall on January 4, 2023


Just a quick reminder to pray for us tomorrow (Wednesday, Jan 4) as we are about to have an evangelization event and shoeboxes give away in Murino, a small township in the very northeast of Montenegro. This year we have a REALLY LARGE team due to the fact that the program contains two separate acts. Thankfully, we were able to coordinate between ourselves well. Although gathered promptly and with a LOT of faith, our diverse team is already functioning like one, with a sense of comradeship, servitude and mutual submission. 

But, tomorrow is not the end! This year we are testing something new - to perform/evangelize and distribute shoeboxes in two locations during one trip! This means that on Thursday, Jan 5, we will be doing all of it again in Andrijevica, where there’s more to be done. While tomorrow we’re doing 2 separate performances, on Thursday we need to do 3 in front of a much bigger crowd. 

While it feels like everything’s running pretty smoothly, please pray we stay alert, focused and dependent on Him in every step of the way. Pray that we’ll let Him be in charge, walk ahead of us, change our plans if necessary, teach us, be present as we perform, converse with people, build relationships and negotiate further activities. Having said that, please keep on praying for a breakthrough in negotiations for doing all of this in Gusinje, a Muslim town we’ve been trying to reach for years now. 

In His service,


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