
Showing posts from October, 2024

YWAM Constanta, Romania DTS team

Although this is a blog dedicated to our church's (Christ the Savior Church) ministry to the Roma-RAE peoples of Montenegro, here is a report on something our international congregation has been doing during the summer. More concretely, I'd like to share with you about the time we’ve had with the YWAM - Youth With a Mission team from Constanta, Romania. Already the second team that we (our English speaking congregation) hosted in less than two months; they stayed with us for 4 weeks, as a part of YWAM’s DTS - Discipleship Training School program. Our church has been partnering with the YWAM for many years, going all the way back to 2013, which is when we hosted our first YWAM team. Since then, we hosted and have been serving together with many different YWAM teams, coming from different base countries, bringing us people from all over the world. Being open to the guidance of the Spirit, taking a humble and servant attitude of the heart and ready to get their hands dirty, YWAM t...

Building material donated to Roma-RAE families in Konik, Podgorica

It is our joy to share with you about another project that has been realized. This was a kind of a project that we haven't done in Konik (Roma-RAE neighborhood of Podgorica) since the days of the refugee camp "Konik 2", which is when we used to remodel barracks that served as homes for multimembers families. This time though, the face of the project looked somewhat different as we helped several Roma-RAE families get construction material to repair, extend and/or build homes for themselves.  The project started at the end of May, when we had a group of students, the representatives of the Dutch humanitarian organization MARA Foundation Utrecht visiting us. Although a secular organization, we got in touch with them through our ministry partners from The Netherlands, a ministry that has been supporting Christian work all over Europe - Christian Roma Support ( ). Being an enthusiastic group of young men and women, MARA Foundatio...

Urban Vision Team: A New Partnership in Ministry

With the arrival of warmer days our ministry began to “heat up” again. The scope and intensity of activities rose, which we were glad for, however that left little time for the cost of regular reporting and updating you. Here, I’d like to tell you about the activities we did at the beginning of June, during the visit of our new friends and co-workers in Gospel, Missione Urban Vision from Turin, Italy. While some of the things we did resemble some of the recent activities, this time we were able to take things further, largely thanks to the Urban Vision team itself. With great diligence and commitment, the Urban Vision team has made sure that they prepare numerous program features that were both very appealing (especially for the youths) and filled with Biblical messages.  Another very important thing is that this time we were able to re-activate ministry activities in RAE settlements on the coast - more concretely Budva and Tivat - where we were unable to go for almost 3 years. It ...

Missione REM returns!

Everyone, I am very excited to share with you some information about the visit of Missione Rem team from two weeks ago. The visit, the first one after a break of two years, was an opportunity to restart our outdoor evangelism - something we haven’t done in Konik for some time.  I have shared with you on many occasions about the change in culture and spiritual climate within the RAE community in Montenegro. The wave of re-islamization, aka “return to Islam” splashed all over the “shores” of Albanian speaking Roma-RAE communities in Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia and anywhere else they live.  The fact is that this movement came from within the (wider) Roma-Ashkali/Egyptian community gave it a special momentum. Their own people (often family members), after migrating to Western Europe, and found themselves surrounded by other, predominantly Muslim, migrant groups. It was in the EU countries, such as Belgium, Germany, etc. where they were pushed, shamed and scolded into returning to I...

4th Global Roma Networks Conference - Durres, Albania

Dear friends, I’d like to share with you about my time at the 4th Annual Roma Networks international conference that took place on April 9-12 in Durres, Albania. This event gathered over 300 pastors and Christian leaders who are involved in Roma ministry from all over the world. With the conference venue right on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, the gathering gave us a wonderful, special treat in a form of gorgeous, soothing sunsets. As some of you may already know, our involvement with Roma Networks goes a long way back. Being a part of Roma Networks family, our ministry and church members became part of a larger European and global network of Christian churches and ministries with a mission to reach the Roma and Roma-associated ethnic groups for Christ. Informal in its character, Roma Networks has done a great job connecting  ministries and workers scattered all over by using the networks’ resources to strengthen and support individual ministry efforts when and where needed. ...