YWAM Constanta, Romania DTS team

Although this is a blog dedicated to our church's (Christ the Savior Church) ministry to the Roma-RAE peoples of Montenegro, here is a report on something our international congregation has been doing during the summer. More concretely, I'd like to share with you about the time we’ve had with the YWAM - Youth With a Mission team from Constanta, Romania. Already the second team that we (our English speaking congregation) hosted in less than two months; they stayed with us for 4 weeks, as a part of YWAM’s DTS - Discipleship Training School program. Our church has been partnering with the YWAM for many years, going all the way back to 2013, which is when we hosted our first YWAM team. Since then, we hosted and have been serving together with many different YWAM teams, coming from different base countries, bringing us people from all over the world. Being open to the guidance of the Spirit, taking a humble and servant attitude of the heart and ready to get their hands dirty, YWAM t...