Urban Vision Team: A New Partnership in Ministry

With the arrival of warmer days our ministry began to “heat up” again. The scope and intensity of activities rose, which we were glad for, however that left little time for the cost of regular reporting and updating you. Here, I’d like to tell you about the activities we did at the beginning of June, during the visit of our new friends and co-workers in Gospel, Missione Urban Vision from Turin, Italy. While some of the things we did resemble some of the recent activities, this time we were able to take things further, largely thanks to the Urban Vision team itself. With great diligence and commitment, the Urban Vision team has made sure that they prepare numerous program features that were both very appealing (especially for the youths) and filled with Biblical messages. 

Another very important thing is that this time we were able to re-activate ministry activities in RAE settlements on the coast - more concretely Budva and Tivat - where we were unable to go for almost 3 years. It was great to reconnect with some old and get to meet some new “men of peace” and discover new ministry opportunities. Please keep that in your prayers - the harvest could really be plentiful in these places, but to get there we need committed, sacrificial workers that will continue to sow the Seed and do other “field work”.

A visit to the RAE settlement close to Budva, with a particular name “Palestine” was very special. This is the place where, in the past, we were initially welcomed only to be gently, but firmly pushed away by a former leader of that community whose ties with Islamic groups were too strong. After his passing away last year, a new leader was made who seems to be more open and friendly. It was also “Palestine” where several young people were very open and engaged in a long, passionate-but-friendly conversation with us after the program was finished. The testimony that one of our church members shared about the freedom in Christ that he’d experienced left a very strong impression on them, which only confirms that true freedom and change of heart from within one cannot be found in Islam. 

On the other hand, it also illustrates that among the Muslims there are so many honest seekers who simply seek in a wrong place. Please pray that each one of these is able to find what they are actually looking for beyond all the half-truths, self-made and self-earned “righteousness”, rituals, indoctrination, political, racial and cultural divide. Pray that the walls of isolation and division that are locally reinforced by complex historical, ethnic and political factors are torn down by Spirit inspired preaching and selfless acts of love and compassion.

Many thanks to Missione Urban Vision, their sacrificial and tireless efforts. Glory to God for this new partnership in Gospel, a new opportunity to reach for Christ those who would otherwise be very hard to reach. Thanks God who provides what we need, when we actually need it. We pray for showers of blessings over them, countless new ministry opportunities and God’s favor and provision in all places, times and situations.



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