Football School Kick Off
Roma-RAE Ministry
Football School Kick Off
Some of you may remember that in one of the earlier posts we wrote about the arrival of a missionary family from Argentina. The family of Emanuel Cortes and Luciana Silva, and their children Lola and Jonas came to us in June, answering God’s overwhelming calling to leave their ministry and their lives in Argentina and move to Montenegro. Prior to making a decision to come to Montenegro, they visited only once in order to explore the land, meet the people and visit local churches. During that visit, God made it clear to them that, once they return to stay, they should join our ministry. Thankfully, things worked out exactly the way we were all praying and planning.
Konik Football Practices
Emanuel’s great passion is FOOTBALL ⚽, aka soccer 🙃 and ever since they landed, he’s been looking for an opportunity to employ his passion for the Kingdom. The opportunity came eventually when he and another South American - an OM missionary - joined forces to form a coaching team. Their plan was simple - to gather teenagers from Konik (mostly the Roma and the Ashkali/Egyptians) and hold football practices with them twice a week. Of course, football practices were not only to serve for fun, but also to keep the kids off the streets, give them at least some structure in life and, more importantly, a chance to hear the Gospel.
Soon, after scouting for an appropriate, yet free-of-charge terrain, the “Konik sport project” kicked off! What is really exciting is that most of the kids who attend them regularly are those who don’t attend our Children Bible Clubs. Just as we were hoping, the project is reaching the unreached! Although there still might be a long way to go to see more souls added to the Kingdom, these first steps are really encouraging. Another really cool fact is that Emanuel and Mateo Roniller ( OM missionary, the founder of Football.4faith Ministry ) have already become a sort of heroes for the kids and despite the language barrier, they’ve been able to establish a relationship of trust and respect - both so necessary for successful sharing of the Gospel.
Please pray that we find a way to continue this project despite the cold weather and short daylight. Operating on a very modest budget (but with a lot of enthusiasm), so far the practices have been taking place on a dirt field that actually belongs to the nearby sport planes airport (that is a story in itself!). Ideally, for this project to really make a difference, grow both in numbers and influence, we should move to an indoor facility, which would increase our costs rapidly (please don’t be shy to donate 😊)
However, just as this activity started “organically”, motivated by pure love for the lost, that’s how we all want it to continue - without any man even trying to “snatch it” from God’s hands. Instead, we all would like it to be fully and unconditionally led by the Spirit, that will reveal to us Father's mind and heart and lead us step by step. Therefore, please hold Emanuel and Mateo in your prayers, as they are the ones spearheading the project, and us to give them the support they need.
Pray that He creates opportunities for the Word to be shared, make all of us ready to take them and prepare the hearts of those who need to hear it to receive it. It is the latter that I ask you to pray for the most. The truth is that for the teenage kids in Konik (particularly RAE) there is little, if anything left. Being stranded on the other side of the line of the culture they live in, with its hoops and hurdles too high to jump over, it is no wonder that many simply give up. Caught between the vicious cycle of drug abuse/addiction, violence, early marriages, etc. and what seems to be the only way out - Islam - they simply stand no chance. Please pray that God uses this project to break this cycle and show them a better, the only Way which is (in) Jesus.
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